Our 25 years of experience in Travel Assistance allowed us to expand our assistance network and optimize our service to clients. Today we provide best-in-class service anywhere anytime. We do that under the ISA Assist brand. Here are our services.
This will give policyholders access to an international network of hospitals on direct billing basis as well as other assistance services.
- We provide real time claims auditing and cost containment to insurance companies.
- By calling our call center, policy holders are directed to the nearest hospital and admitted on direct billing basis.
- Other assistance services such as compassionate visit, assistance for loss of luggage and flight delay are also granted as part of the assistance package.
- A free app allowing clients to interact with us and handle any claim from their phone.
- Free unlimited telemedicine supported by certified doctors.
- Evacuation, repatriation, compassionate visits are covered by ISA.